Thursday, November 1, 2012

Only if you have time to look at it

Life is just like a sunlight which grows from red, orange and yellow when it rises (reflecting childhood, youth, and grown up) to yellow, orange and red when it sets (reflecting old age and demise). Nothing in this world is eternal or imperishable. As the time passes, people, relations, memories and everything fades away. Remembrance is a bliss to which very few are bestowed with. And I call those people as eternal. As for example we all know the name ‘Mother’ Teresa, we all know who she was and what she did and people loved her for that. But what one should feel sorry about what we learnt from her. Had anyone made an effort to match even 10% of her? Dedicating oneself to serve humanity is a feat which everyone cannot achieve. Why don’t we often see the reflection of ‘ Mother ’ in anyone? May be because we are living in a time and place which is quite materialistic and profit oriented. May be the world we live is so full of formalities and people doing formalities.

There are things which we do that comes under the category of ‘rubbish formalities’. Shaking hands with a smile and say hello, greet a birthday wish to someone just because there was a ‘Facebook’ notification otherwise no one would have cared.  I don’t know even 5% of us do this from their heart and without specific reasons. Formalities have become an integral part of our lives which I suppose is quite miserable. From the very childhood one starts being formal. And why not! Human beings are so adaptive to such situations.  What I believe a child should be taught is to be a realist and not formal. Formality has miserably led to the transformation of the word ‘Atithi Devo Bhawah’ to ‘Atithi Tum Kab  Jaoge’ because we are so bounded in being so formal that we cannot say someone that ‘you are not invited’ .

 Money or wealth today matters most almost to all of us. This is what we call living in a materialistic world. To reach the top one has to eventually pull someone to the bottom. Pathetic, isn’t it! Even marriages today are based on fact that what is the status of bride or groom and the word ‘love and care’ are the tertiary talks. Once the marriage is done, it is understood that life has now one and the only meaning left, ‘to spent’. Spent with having kids, see them grow old, marry them so that responsibilities over and now you are ready to go for graves. Life has now become so predictable for us. And the worst part is that we know about it and still we are helpless. So what’s the possible solution? There is no such solutions exist theoretically but practically it exists :) The time we are living in at present, we can make it memorable by ‘WINNING HEARTS’ wherever we go, wherever we live, whatever we do. May be a small consolation but not a bad one I suppose. May be someone of you remember my writeup which involved one of Rajesh Khanna’s dialogue from the movie ‘Anand’ which said “Babumoshai, zindagi badi honi chahiye, lambi nahi…”. This article is perhaps the extended version of the same. We know that very few of us might be remembered when we are gone. This is because we are not Mother Teresa, nor Nelson Mandela, nor Martin Luther King Jr. We will be remembered if only we keep winning hearts in  among a bunch of few people who comprise of our friends and family. This much of publicity is enough for me :) So why not keep winning hearts to make our small journey of life-WONDERFUL and get rid of being formal and try to be NATURAL :)

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