Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dreams and desires

I wonder what would happen if we achieved what we have dreamt of throughout our life. Then perhaps life would have little meaning after that. What would we call a living after that? Spending our life or just waiting to die "happily"? This usually happens when when we turn old, look back in our life and feel good that we achieved  everything what we desired. Well, if that happens in 30's, boy!!!. For those people there is no need for a place like heaven because they are living in heaven. Perhaps they don't need it. But everyone is not that blessed. Everyone doesn't have their dreams fulfilled, perhaps didn't get what they deserved, maybe how good and kind they were to others. Perhaps the "law of attraction" as stated in the book named "The Secret" by  Rhonda Byrne doesn't works for everyone, inspite how desperate people were to fulfill their dreams. Desires remain desires and people die.  I guess we  would be wrong if we call those people underachievers." Unlucky" is relatively a suitable term. May be god has a consolation place for them, or a reward for what they strived with their best zeal but couldn't achieve. And perhaps that place is called "heaven".

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